Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dragmules - 2a (Atlantic, 1995)

Dragmules' debut record, 2a, was named after the bar in New York City's East Village that served as the band's stomping grounds (and workplace). While the band of Texas-transplants began as a studio project, it quickly evolved into a full fledged band with the addition of new members such as Paul Garisto, a former drummer for The Psychedelic Furs and Iggy Pop to its lineup. The band was signed to Atlantic Records who released 2a in 1995. As far as the band's sound goes, one reviewer called it: "R.E.M. crossed with Social Distortion" - and i'd say that's dead on.

The band's second record, Swims with the Fishes, was rejected by Atlantic, which you can read more about here (though unfortunately the audio samples are no longer). Since the dissolution of Dragmules, Paul Garisto has gone on to drum with fellow NYC types Ryan Adams and Jesse Malin, as well as David Gahan of Depeche and countless others.


  1. 2a is one of my favorite records of all time. It breaks my heart to know that nothing ever came of the band once this record sputtered out.

  2. Is there anyone or any chance to get the mp3 of the second album? I am so much interested in this band and I own the original 2A CD.....

  3. i lost my copy of this cd and im looking for it since then... if you have time can i have a copy of this... thank in advance

  4. Mp3s of the unreleased Second Album are now restored.

  5. I know the lead singer i can ask if he has copies
